SIFW supports “Women for the world”

Women for the World in Melbourne

Friday 13 May 2016

Catherine Sheehan, Media and Communications Office:

ABOUT 180 women gathered today for Caritas Australia’s annual Women for the World event held at the Carousel in Albert Park. Funds raised from the event are used to help women living in poverty around the world.

While enjoying a lovely lunch together, the women heard from inspirational speaker Psyche Mae Asencio, a 25 year old social worker who grew up in a poverty-stricken area of the Philippines. At one stage Psyche’s own family earned a living from picking through garbage.
With the assistance of the Faithful Companions of Jesus Sisters (FCJ), Caritas Australia’s partner in the Philippines, Psyche was able to learn new skills which lifted her out of poverty, giving her and her family hope for the future.

Psyche has dedicated herself to working with women who have experienced domestic violence.

Lifting women out of poverty is a focus for Caritas because it is estimated that 70 percent of the world’s poor are women. Women in many parts of the world do not have skills to support themselves financially so when family and marriage break-downs occur, women are often left in very vulnerable situations.

Today’s event raised funds for marginalised women around the world with a silent auction and raffle.

During the lunch Clare Johnstone, a Legal Aid Criminal Lawyer, interviewed Psyche Mae about her life and work. Clare reminded those present that ‘All of us have the right to dream and hope for a happy future’, and she asked Psyche what her hopes are for the future. Psyche replied that aside from completing a Masters degree she would like to ‘bring the inter-generational poverty to an end’ in her family.

Psyche thanked Caritas and the FCJ Sisters for hosting her trip to Australia, and told the women present that they have the power and the resources to make a difference in the world.

Photos by Catherine Sheehan

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